Diet Weight Loss Exercise Tips

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Power Walking

2010.05.23. 06:26 Diet

Exercise - Power Walking

Walking is the most natural and fundamental of all human conscious movements; by putting one foot in front of the other and moving your arms in opposition, you can propel yourself forward at approximately 5km/h (3mph).
Add the "POWER", change your focus, adjust your technique, and at the pace can increase to 8km/h (5mph) or more. All the muscles in your body are used to create a dynamic aerobic activity that helps achieve optimum well being and fitness
Full of energy and feeling greatResearchers in the field  of sports and fitness have described walking as "the nearest activity to perfect exercise".
It seems far too simple to claim that a basic skill that most of us do without a second thought can be significant, but as you begin to learn more and more about your body and the benefits of walking you will realise that it is true; the action of walking may be simple but the results for your health and daily living are far reaching.
Our society is becoming more sedentary and overweight. We sit in our cars instead of walking, many of us spend hours seated at a desk at work, and thanks to computers we can now do a lot of our shopping without leaving home.
Not surprisingly, more people complain of posture-related aches and pains, and life really is no fun if every day is a battle to find our energy and sparkle. Yet we are missing one vital point; Exercise (especially power walking) in any shape or form is an essential part of our lives, not an optional extra that we may or may not choose to do.

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